We do everything in our power to ensure that all details on the website are accurate, but we may occasionally discover a product price error. If we detect an error in the price of a product listed in your order, we will notify you as soon as possible. We will not be obliged to accept or execute an order for an advertised product at an incorrect price and reserve the right to cancel this order that has already been accepted or is on its way to you. If you order a product with a wrong price, we will send an email to you or call you to inform you that we have not accepted your request and / or your order has been canceled. In case you have already paid for the product (s), we will refund the full amount as soon as we can. If these products are returned and are on their way, we will process the refund as soon as we receive the products.
By confirming your purchase at the end of processing the order, you agree to accept and pay the full amount due for the product (s) as indicated in your order, including any delivery charges applicable to that order.
Prices and Payment Policy
Payment Policy:
The prices:
Prices include VAT applied on the day of ordering. Any change in the applied VAT rate will automatically be reflected in the price of the products being offered by Fragracity for sale on its website.
Some of our products are not subjected to VAT according to Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority and Saudi Food & Drug Authority Systems (Human medicines, vitamins, medical devices, and medical product registered with Saudi Food & Drug Authority).
Prices include the VAT applied on the day of your order. Any change in the applicable VAT rate will be automatically reflected in the price of the products sold by Fragracity via its website.
All forms of payment by credit card are validated and authorized by the card issuer. If the credit card issuer declines the payment authorization, we will not be responsible for any delay or non-delivery. We will cancel your order and may contact you to choose an alternative payment method.
The data on the credit card used in the payment must match exactly the credit card holder's information, that information registered with the issuer of the card. Your payment will be approved and placed on hold when you place your order, and the amount will be deducted from your account upon termination of your application. You confirm that the credit card used is your card or that you have been specifically authorized by the credit card owner to use it.
No credit card data will be stored, sold to, offered to or leased to any third parties except for the online payment gateway service provider we use.
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